Q: The filter I need is not in the current filter file - how can I include it?
A: Currently users cannot add new filters to the MAGPHYS filter file. Please send the response function of the filter you need to me, preferably in a text file with column 1 = wavelength in Angstroems, and column 2 = filter response. I will generate a new filter file including your requested filter and send it to you.

Q: What version of the Bruzual & Charlot SPS models should I use?
A: While MAGPHYS includes libraries for both the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) version and the (unpublished) CB07 version, we recommend using the 2003 version.

Q: Does MAGPHYS include AGN?
A: The public versions of MAGPHYS do not include the emission by AGN yet. We are preparing a MAGPHYS+AGN version (da Cunha, Juneau et al., in prep.) that we plan to publicly release as soon as it's finished. In the meantime, there is a "beta" non-public version (used in Chang et al. 2017) that may be shared in particular cases upon request - please contact E. da Cunha for more information.


  1. Here are the steps I took to use high-z extension as separate folder from standard MAGPHYS directory, making it easier to switch between versions
    -download high-z extension tar file and extract it
    -copy the '.magphys_tcshrc', 'get_libs', and 'fit_sample' files in standard MAGPHYS into the high-z extension directory (you can modify their names if you want them to be distinct from the originals; e.g., add '_highz' to end of name)
    -replace all lines within these files with their 'highz' counterparts (e.g., OptiLIB_bc03.bin -> OptiLIB_bc03_highz.bin)
    ​-run in the same manner as the standard version​ (described in the README)

    Also, if you want ​to use the provided 'plot_sed.pro' in the standard MAGPHYS for the high-z extension, you will need to modify the size of the following parameters within this file:
    -tau_V=dblarr(2,48) -> tau_V=dblarr(2,160)
    -Mstars=dblarr(2,60) -> Mstars=dblarr(2,70)
    -Ldust=dblarr(2,60) -> Ldust=dblarr(2,70)

    You will likely also want to update some the axes ranges for the various parameters that are plotted.


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